"Abandon Hype All Ye Who Enter Here!"


"Eternity is a mere moment; just long enough for a joke!"

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Small Frog in a Vanishing Pond!

That’s the problem with being a small frog in a small pond, there are only so many venues to appear in, and only so many comedy fans; eventually you’ve seen ‘em all. Or worse, the pond dries up/vanishes! That was the case last year; I didn’t do any performances at all until I was laid off work for the year, and then ...there was no place putting on comedy shows for all of November. This year I took off two months because I was too busy, but then started doing one show a week just to start getting warmed up for what I thought would be a busy season.

Well, I’m warmed up, and now, instead of having three show per week, the pond has vanished! The Master, Tommy Savitt, Miles Morrison and York Underwood are leaving for a tour of NATO bases in Europe, so there will be no shows for a couple of weeks after the Halloween Monster Comic show tonight at Ally Katz. So, comedy for November in Saskatchewan may be a write off until December when it will boom again. The pond has vanished and this fool is left ‘circling the drain!’

I’m not entirely without possibilities; on November nineteen I’m heading to Ontario for three weeks. When I get to Toronto I have a list of about sixty places where I should be able to perform; nice, a different venue every day of the week. Better yet, brand new audiences every night, and, just as important, new comics. That’s the attraction of a major Urban Center, lot’s of opportunity; at the same time, a lot more talent chasing those opportunities.

It’ll be fun, with lot’s of time to see friends and family as well.

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