"Abandon Hype All Ye Who Enter Here!"


"Eternity is a mere moment; just long enough for a joke!"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No Fooling!

Made it to the Fez last night by 8:45, and found a crowd ...most notable by its absence! There were two tattooed celebrants balancing cautiously in their chairs; they were well past their comedic, ‘best before’ date, and left before anyone else arrived. I was joined by the young fello from Beily’s on Monday night, Alex, and we talked while waiting for Myles who apparently hosts this room.

In the meantime, four other people showed up, two of whom wished to try stand-up for the first time. By 9:45 the bartender was getting a little edgy and real curious as to how he might get in touch with the elusive Myles Morrison! Unfortunately, we could not help him in his quandary!

I toyed with the idea of volunteering to host it myself, and would have, except there were only six people there, besides the Bartender and Bouncer, four of whom were there to entertain; that left just two people for an audience. A better man might have went ahead, but, this man decided that it was somebody else’s screw up, and they might be best to un-screw it themselves.

It’s just such occasions as this that leave me wondering whether or not you can take fools seriously? I doubt that the Fez will want anything more to do with comedians, and, I haven’t been able to get in touch with Myles! Much to serious a matter to laugh about, and, ...I’m afraid that I’m too damn’d old to cry!
"Wrong Finger!"

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