"Abandon Hype All Ye Who Enter Here!"


"Eternity is a mere moment; just long enough for a joke!"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dull Drums of Summer

It’s the dull drums of summer. The sun beats down. The CAT engine beats a steady rhythm. I get home at night completely ...beat! It’s been almost three weeks since I last did stand-up, and I can’t see that changing for a while. Too many hours working on road resurfacing, and the nights I have made it out have been just too late. So, I’ve fallen into a dull routine, work ...sleep, repeat as necessary.

"Crooked Trees"

My bride and I have gotten away for one weekend to Red Berry Lake, and saw, not just Saskatchewan’s ‘Crooked Trees,’ but, its’ biggest tree as well. I was excited for my dog, Claymore; I figured that he’d get local bragging rights if he’d pissed on Saskatchewan’s biggest tree, that it might increase his stature in the eyes of Kinley’s local dogs. I got him primed like an industrial pump and let him at it! Poor fellow; his self-esteem wouldn’t stretch to that calibre! Instead he sought out a sapling to christen.

"Squirt won't Squirt!"